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Английский Этимологический словарь - on


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- O.E. on, unstressed variant of an "in, on, into." Also used in O.E. in many places where we would now use in. From 16c.-18c. (and still in northern England dialect) often reduced to o'. Phrase on to "aware" is from 1877.
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  physiol. abbr. Optic neuritis NASA abbr. Operational Navigation transport. abbr. Operational Navigation mil. abbr. Operational Navigation Canada province abbr. Ontario chemis. abbr. Oxidation Number food abbr. Order Now gen. comp. abbr. The Operators For Not network. abbr. Open Network gen. bus. abbr. Order Now int. bus. abbr. Order Now ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 prep 1 touching or being supported by a particular surface  (The plate's on the table. | You have mud on your shoes. | The answer is written on page 25.) 2 hanging from, supported by or connected to a particular thing  (Stand on one foot. | pictures stuck on the wall | a ball on a string) 3 a) in a particular place, building or area of land  (Several bombs landed on the runway. | He grew up on a ranch in California.) b) AmE in a particular road  (We live on Mulberry Drive. | I met Amy on the street the other day.) 4 in a particular direction  (On my right sat the Chancellor. | As the troops marched on the city, the leaders planned their escape.) 5 used to show the person or thing affected by an action or someone's behaviour  (a tax on cigarettes | The divorce has had a particularly bad effect on the children.) 6 on one of the sides of something such as a river or road  (a cafe on the river | a beautiful village on the Austrian border | trees on both sides of the street) 7 on Friday/August 2nd/my birthday at some time during a particular day  (They arrive on Tuesday. | I was born on July 1st.) 8 about a particular subject  (a book on India | advice on what to wear) 9 in a bus, train, aircraft etc  (Everyone on the plane was frightened. | He managed to be on the first train back to London.)  (- see also on foot foot1 (2), on horseback horseback) 10 used to say what food someone needs to survive, what fuel1 (1) something needs to operate etc  (We can't live on rice and water forever. | Many cars nowadays run on lead free petrol.) 11 used to say what money people use to live, the amounts of money someone earns etc  (Some families in the ghettos have been on welfare all their lives. | People on high salaries should pay more tax.) 12 informal used to say that someone takes a particular drug or medicine  (Since she's been on Prozac she's been a different person.) 13 on the radio/telephone using a radio or telephone  (Shut up! I'm on the phone.) 14 on a trip/journey etc during a trip, journey etc  (I met several people on the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'on' is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information. 'On' is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘keep on’, ‘cotton on’, and ‘sign on’. 1. If someone or something is on a surface or object, the surface or object is immediately below them and is supporting their weight. He is sitting beside her on the sofa... On top of the cupboards are vast straw baskets which Pat uses for dried flower arrangements... On the table were dishes piled high with sweets... PREP 2. If something is on a surface or object, it is stuck to it or attached to it. I admired the peeling paint on the ceiling... The clock on the wall showed one minute to twelve... There was a smear of gravy on his chin. PREP • On is also an adverb. I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on. ADV: ADV after v 3. If you put, throw, or drop something on a surface, you move it or drop it so that it is then supported by the surface. He got his winter jacket from the closet and dropped it on the sofa... He threw a folded dollar on the counter. = onto PREP 4. You use on to say what part of your body is supporting your weight. He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds... He raised himself on his elbows, squinting into the sun... She was on her hands and knees in the bathroom. PREP 5. You use on to say that someone or something touches a part of a person’s body. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the mouth... His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head. PREP 6. If someone has a particular expression on their face, their face has that expression. The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face... She looked at him with a hurt expression on her face. PREP: n PREP n 7. When you put a piece of clothing on, you place it over part of your body in order to wear it. If you have it on, you are wearing it. He put his coat on while she...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   or Ont  abbreviation Ontario ON  I. prepositi~  Etymology: Middle English an, ~, prepositi~ & adverb, from Old English; akin to Old High German ana ~, Greek ana up, ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. — used as a functi~ word to indicate positi~ in c~tact with and supported by the top surface of the book is lying ~ the table  b. — used as a functi~ word to indicate positi~ in or in c~tact with an outer surface the fly landed ~ the ceiling I have a cut ~ my finger paint ~ the wall  c. — used as a functi~ word to indicate positi~ in close proximity with a village ~ the sea stay ~ your opp~ent  d. — used as a functi~ word to indicate the locati~ of something ~ the left ~ the south side of the house ~ the farm  2.  a. — used as a functi~ word to indicate a source of attachment or support ~ a string stand ~ ~e foot hang it ~ a nail  b. — used as a functi~ word to indicate a source of dependence you can rely ~ me feeds ~ insects lives ~ a pensi~  c. — used as a functi~ word to indicate means of c~veyance ~ the bus  d. — used as a functi~ word to indicate presence in the possessi~ of had a knife ~ him  3. — used as a functi~ word to indicate a time frame during which something takes place a parade ~ Sunday or an instant, acti~, or occurrence when something begins or is d~e ~ cue ~ arriving home, I found your letter news ~ the hour cash ~ delivery  4. archaic of  5.  a. — used as a functi~ word to indicate manner of doing something; often used with the ~ the sly keep everything ~ the up-and-up  b. — used as a functi~ word to indicate means or agency cut myself ~ a knife talk ~ the teleph~e  c. — used as a functi~ word to indicate a medium of expressi~ ~ stage best show ~ televisi~  6.  a.  (1) — used as a functi~ word to indicate active involvement in a c~diti~ or status ~ the increase ~ the lookout  (2) regularly using or showing the effects of using ~ drugs  b. — used as a functi~ word to indicate involvement or participati~ ~ tour ~ the team ~ duty  c. — used as a functi~ word to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  suffix Physics, Biochem., & Chem. forming nouns denoting: 1 elementary particles (meson; neutron). 2 quanta (photon). 3 molecular units (codon). 4 substances (interferon; parathion). Etymology: ION, orig. in electron ON prep., adv., adj., & n. --prep. 1 (so as to be) supported by or attached to or covering or enclosing (sat on a chair; stuck on the wall; rings on her fingers; leaned on his elbow). 2 carried with; about the person of (have you a pen on you?). 3 (of time) exactly at; during; contemporaneously with (on 29 May; on the hour; on schedule; working on Tuesday). 4 immediately after or before (I saw them on my return). 5 as a result of (on further examination I found this). 6 (so as to be) having membership etc. of or residence at or in (she is on the board of directors; lives on the continent). 7 supported financially by (lives on {pound}50 a week; lives on his wits). 8 close to; just by (a house on the sea; lives on the main road). 9 in the direction of; against. 10 so as to threaten; touching or striking (advanced on him; pulled a knife on me; a punch on the nose). 11 having as an axis or pivot (turned on his heels). 12 having as a basis or motive (works on a ratchet; arrested on suspicion). 13 having as a standard, confirmation, or guarantee (had it on good authority; did it on purpose; I promise on my word). 14 concerning or about (writes on frogs). 15 using or engaged with (is on the pill; here on business). 16 so as to affect (walked out on her). 17 at the expense of (the drinks are on me; the joke is on him). 18 added to (disaster on disaster; ten pence on a pint of beer). 19 in a specified manner or style (often foll. by the + adj. or noun: on the cheap; on the run). --adv. 1 (so as to be) covering or in contact with something, esp. of clothes (put your boots on). 2 in the appropriate direction; towards something (look on). 3 further forward; in an advanced position or state (time is getting on; it happened later on). 4 with continued movement or action (went plodding on; keeps on complaining). 5 in operation or activity...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. ближний, внутренний the on side —- более близкая сторона 2. спорт. часть поля, на который стоит игрок с битой on drive —- удар в сторону, на которой находится игрок с битой 3. разг. эффективный; действующий; имеющий силу it was one of his on days —- он был в хорошей форме в тот день 4. осведомленный, знающий he is the most on person here —- он здесь самый информированный человек, он знает все и вся 5. подходящий; приличный it's a most on situation —- это очень подходящий случай 6. вполне возможный, достижимый; легкий 7. указывает на нахождение на поверхности чего-л tea is on —- чай подан 8. указывает на движение на поверхности чего-л: put the kettle on —- поставь чайник he climbed on the wall —- он взобрался на стену 9. указывает на продолжение действия to work on —- продолжать работать she sang on —- она все пела go on reading —- читайте дальше the war still went on —- война все шла 10. указывает на продвижение вперед - в пространственном и временном значении вперед go on! —- идите вперед on, John, on! —- вперед, Джон, вперед he sent the luggage on —- багаж он отправил вперед time is getting on —- время идет 11. указывает на приближение к какому-л моменту to be well on in years —- быть в годах it is getting on fox six o'clock —- скоро будет шесть he is going on for five —- ему скоро...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  octane number noun chem. октановое число ON  1. prep.  1) в пространственном значении указывает на:  а) нахождение на поверхности какого-л. предмета; на;  б) нахождение около какого-л. водного пространства; на, у;  в) направление; на;  г) способ передвижения; в, на; the cup is on the table - чашка на столе; the picture hangs on the wall - картина висит на стене; he has a blister on the sole of his foot - у него волдырь на пятке; the town lies on lake Michigan - город находится на озере Мичиган; a house on the river - дом у реки; the boy threw the ball on the floor - мальчик бросил мяч на пол; the door opens on a lawn - дверь выходит на лужайку; on the right - направо; on the North - на севере; on a truck - на грузовике; on a train - в поезде  2) во временном значении указывает на:  а) определенный день недели, определенную дату, точный момент; в;  б) последовательность, очередность наступления действий; по, после;  в) одновременность действий; во время, в течение; on Tuesday - во вторник; on another day - в другой день; on the 5th of December - 5-го декабря; on Christmas eve - в канун рождества; on the morning of the 5th of December - утром 5-го декабря; on time - вовремя; on my return I met many friends - по возвращении я встретил много друзей; on examining the box closer I found it empty - внимательно осмотрев ящик, я убедился, что в нем ничего нет; payable on demand -...
Англо-русский словарь


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